Novel technique for wavelength tuning of fiber lasers

A very simple and cost-effective technique for wavelength tuning a fiber laser using multimode interference effects is demonstrated. The tuning mechanism relies on the self-imaging effect which occurs in multimode waveguides. The tuning mechanism consists of a section of multimode fiber (MMF) spliced to a single mode fiber (SMF), with a broadband mirror located at the other end of the MMF. The signal coming out of the SMF will be imaged within the MMF at a very specific location. Therefore, if the length of the MMF is slightly shorter than this length, the image will be formed in free space. By placing the mirror at this position, the light is reflected back through the MMF and SMF. Since the self-imaging is wavelength dependent, the position of the re-imaging point will depend on the wavelength, and the laser wavelength can then be tuned by varying the distance between the MMF facet and the broadband mirror. To obtain a stable system and easy to align mechanism an integrated fiber gripper was fabricated on silicon wafer. This novel tuning device was incorporated into a double-clad Ytterbium-doped fiber laser (DCYDF), and the tuning characteristics were evaluated by varying the distance between the broadband mirror and the output facet of the MMF. The mirror was moved in 25 microns steps, and the optical power and spectrum measured at every step. A tunability of 12.24 nm was measured with this implementation, and the laser system was shown to be very robust and highly stable. We believe that further improvement in our system will lead to a wider tuning range.