Where customers with different membership and position, use computers as in the university network systems, it often takes much time and efforts for them to cope with the change of the system management. This is because the requirements for the respective computer usage are different in the network and security policies. In this paper, a new destination addressing control system (DACS) scheme for the university network services is proposed. The DACS scheme performs the network services efficiently through the communication management of a client. As the characteristic of DACS scheme, only the setup modification is required by a system administrator, when the configuration change is needed in the network server. Then, the setup modification is unnecessary by a customer, which shows a merit for both a system administrator and a customer. This paper describes the instruction and the prototype for DACS protocol as the implementation of DACS scheme. Then, the simplicity of the system management in DACS scheme, is examined from the customer and the system administrator viewpoints
Lakshmi Raman.
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An adaptive load balancing scheme for web servers
Int. J. Netw. Manag..
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Simulation of load balancing algorithms: a comparative study
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Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon 2000. 'Preparing for The New Millennium' (Cat. No.00CH37105).
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Parallel Processing of Adaptive Meshes with Load Balancing
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