옵셋 스트립 휜 열교환기의 구조 개선을 통한 최적 설계
Recently many people are interested in clothes dryer for wellness and live space efficiency. The advantage of the clothes dryer is needless of drying rack and easy drying with less time and work. Since the OSF(Offset Strip Fin) heat exchanger of the condensing clothes dryer plays an important role, researches has been performed. A heat exchanger can be evaluated by the effectiveness basis and dehumidification rate which is related to the latent heat. Thus, the thermal flow of the latent heat through the heat exchanger was analyzed to improve the performance of the factors affecting the efficient browsing. In this study, dynamic changes with respect to the latent heat were studied by the flow analysis and numerical simulation with the fin performance test to propose the optimum design of the OSF heat exchanger.