Same Tower type single-phase ground fault diagnosis method Double Circuits
The present invention discloses an anti-TOWER between zero sequence mutual influence of the carrier and the type of single-phase earth fault diagnosis method of double-circuit lines. The method of the present invention is first measured Same Tower fault phase electrical quantities bis Press I wrapping protection mounted at the line of the circuit and calculated with TOWER zero sequence current double circuit line II return line is then calculated with the pole double circuit line I back line voltage single-phase ground fault point, using the same - tower gROUND fAULT point voltage amplitude threshold setting circuit line I double circuit line configuration fault diagnosis criterion type single phase of the same pole double circuit lines I back gROUND fAULT line type judgment accurately. Effect of inter method of the present invention into account the zero sequence mutual inductance and single-phase ground fault point voltage, the influence between zero sequence inductance, fault resistance and load current of the same lever and the type of fault diagnosis performance of single-phase earth frame of the double lines , accurate and reliable diagnosis.