An enhancement up to 250-fold in laser Raman signals for real-time gas analysis has been achieved within an actively stabilized external resonator (ASER), whose length is actively matched to the single-frequency excitation laser using the Pound–Drever technique. With the Raman cell present, enhancements up to 50-fold are achieved, and the resulting detection limit for hydrogen in ambient-pressure gas mixtures is about ten parts-per-million in a 1 min analysis period at unity signal-to-noise ratio. Based upon the recent development of a fiber-pumped Nd : YVO 4 laser with single-frequency output exceeding 5 W at 532 nm, this highly sensitive instrument is applied to detection of tritiated gases, wherein the compactness and low heat of this laser head permit placing the entire optical system, including laser head, charge coupled Raman detector, and ASER, within the glove box necessary for secondary containment of tritium, thereby accomplishing a robust, highly sensitive Raman analytical system for hazardous substances.
D. Veirs,et al.
Raman line positions in molecular hydrogen: H2, HD, HT, D2, DT, and T2
K. Okuno,et al.
Development of real-time and remote fuel process gas analysis system using laser Raman spectroscopy
A. Tünnermann,et al.
Frequency-tunable 500-mW continuous-wave all-solid-state single-frequency source in the blue spectral region.
Optics letters.
T. Hänsch,et al.
Laser frequency stabilization by polarization spectroscopy of a reflecting reference cavity
D. Taylor,et al.
On-line tritium process gas analysis by laser Raman spectroscopy at TSTA
R. A. Hill,et al.
Focused, multiple-pass cell for Raman scattering.
Applied optics.
John L. Hall,et al.
Laser phase and frequency stabilization using an optical resonator