Design of the Purdue Experimental Turbine Aerothermal Laboratory for Optical and Surface Aerothermal Measurements
Guillermo Paniagua | Scott E. Meyer | Jorge Saavedra | David Lawrence | Ruth Herrero | Valeria Andreoli | J. P. Solano | David Gonzalez Cuadrado | Terrence R. Meyer | Juan P. Solano | S. Meyer | G. Paniagua | V. Andreoli | G. Paniagua | J. Saavedra | D. Cuadrado | J. Saavedra | V. Andreoli | T. Meyer | R. Herrero | S. Meyer | D. Lawrence | Terrence R. Meyer | R. Herrero | J. Solano | D. G. Cuadrado | D. Lawrence
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