Quasars around the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3516

We report redshift measurements of five X-ray-emitting blue stellar objects located less than 12' from the X-ray Seyfert galaxy NGC 3516. We find these quasars to be distributed along the minor axis of the galaxy and to show a very good correlation between their redshift and their angular distance from NGC 3516. Moreover, the redshifts of these five quasars are 0.33, 0.69, 0.93, 1.40, and 2.10, which are very near the peaks of the redshift periodicity distribution (i.e., z = 0.3, 0.6, 0.96, 1.41, and 1.96). All these observed properties strikingly confirm, around this single example of a Seyfert, the composite picture derived from previous physical associations of quasars with low-redshift active galaxies.