The Tourist-Historic City: Retrospect and Prospect of Managing the Heritage City
Preface. Acknowledgements. The Concept: Origin, Nature, Scope. The city between two futures. The dimensions of the tourist-historic city. Conceptual scope and structure. Global scope and selection. The tourist-historic city and theories of social constructivism. The Historic City. Motivations and justifications. The rise of the urban conservation movement. The internationalism of urban conservation. The consequences of success. Delimiting the historic city. The historic city: from form to function. The Tourist City. Tourism and heritage. Tourism and cities. Tourism and heritage and cities. Modelling the tourist city. Modelling the Tourist-Historic City. The nature and use of a model. Establishing the model. Variations from the model. Limitations of the model. Uses and Users of the Tourist-Historic City. Cohabitation and coincidence. The tourist-historic city as a location for urban functions. Coexisting functions of the tourist-historic city. The users of the tourist-historic city. The Planning, Management and Marketing of the Tourist-Historic City. The inevitability of management. Types of planning and management. A geography of planning approaches. Classifying tourist-historic cities. The Management of Monofunctional Tourist-Historic Cities. Resource based historic gems. Demand based tourist-historic cities. The monofunctional tourist-historic city in review. The Management of Tourist-Historic Elements in Large Multifunctional Cities. The context. The big league tourist-historic cities. The second division. The large multifunctional city: convergence. The Management of Tourist-Historic Elements in Medium Sized Multifunctional Cities. General characteristics. European regional capitals: Norwich, Groningen and Krakow. North American 'core gems': Quebec City, Charlestown and Savannah. Nurtured tourist-historic city: Ottawa. Constrained tourist-historic city: Pietermaritzburg. Urban revitalisation: socio-economic motivations and the tourist-historic city. The medium sized multifunctional city: a synthesis. Values, Issues and Conclusions. Values, contentious issues and the present perspective. Conclusions for conservation. Conclusions for tourism. Conclusions for the city. References. Subject index. Author index. Place index.