Læreres vurdering af et læremiddels potentiale til at støtte matematisk kompetenceudvikling - Eksemplet Matematikkens Univers

I artiklen beskrives en undersogelse der lader laerere vurdere hvorvidt et laeremiddel understottermatematisk kompetenceudvikling. Det eksempel der behandles i artiklen, er laeremidlet MatematikkensUnivers – et scenariebaseret e-laeringsmiddel hvor elever (7.-9. klasse) kan arbejde individuelt elleri grupper med en raekke matematiske emner og problemstillinger. Antagelsen i undersogelsen er atde ret praecise begreber om matematisk kompetence der nu er implementeret i folkeskolens laeseplanFaelles Mal 2009, kan udgore en ramme for laerernes vurdering. Undersogelsen i artiklen konkludererat Matematikkens Univers, ifolge laerernes vurdering, understotter udvikling af kommunikations- ogproblembehandlingskompetence. Undersogelsens design diskuteres og kan betragtes som et resultat,i den forstand at der er tale om en kvantitativ, skalerbar tilgang der harmonerer med et syn pa laeringsom et sporgsmal om deltagelse i faglig praksis. This paper describes the investigation of the educational design “The MathematicalUniverse” (Matematikkens Univers). The investigation uses teachers’judgment of the extent to which the design supports competency developmentamong the pupils. “The Mathematical Universe” is a scenario-based educationaldesign where pupils can work individually or in groups with mathematicaltopics and problems. The investigation uses the conceptual framework describingmathematical competencies, now implemented in the Danish curriculum,as a framework for the teachers’ evaluation. According to the participatingteachers, “The Mathematical Universe” supports the development of communicationalcompetency and problem solving competency as described in theDanish curriculum. The research design is discussed, and can be considered asa result in the sense that it is an example of a quantitatively scalable evaluationof an educational design that is in tune with a conception of learning assituated in practice.