Characteristics of Effective Networking Environments.

This document chronicles a project called Model Nets, which studies the characteristics of computer networks that have a positive impact on K-12 learning. Los Alamos National Laboratory undertook the study so that their recommendations could help federal agencies wisely fund networking projects in an era when the national imperative has driven schools to be wired to the information superhighway. The study involved assembling and ttaining site visit teams, conducting three-day site visits to schools across the country selected for their pervasive use of networks, and conducting surveys and focus groups of teachers at those districts. Combining descriptive data and survey data yielded a set of guidelines regarding the technical infrastructure of the ideal network, policy and implementation issues, and teaching and learning practices. The study found that even though school districts are still struggling to define appropriate and productive uses for these networks, the networks are sparking motivation among students and teachers. Many networks were obtained for administrative use and expanded for classroom use. Four out of five networks in the study were purchased "a priori," because they were perceived as a "good thing," not necessarily in light of particular educational goals. Recommendations for future research include a study on how networking affects student