Low rank matrix recovery from Clifford orbits

We prove that low-rank matrices can be recovered efficiently from a small number of measurements that are sampled from orbits of a certain matrix group. As a special case, our theory makes statements about the phase retrieval problem. Here, the task is to recover a vector given only the amplitudes of its inner product with a small number of vectors from an orbit. Variants of the group in question have appeared under different names in many areas of mathematics. In coding theory and quantum information, it is the complex Clifford group; in time-frequency analysis the oscillator group; and in mathematical physics the metaplectic group. It affords one particularly small and highly structured orbit that includes and generalizes the discrete Fourier basis: While the Fourier vectors have coefficients of constant modulus and phases that depend linearly on their index, the vectors in said orbit have phases with a quadratic dependence. In quantum information, the orbit is used extensively and is known as the set of stabilizer states. We argue that due to their rich geometric structure and their near-optimal recovery properties, stabilizer states form an ideal model for structured measurements for phase retrieval. Our results hold for $m\geq C \kappa_r r d \log(d)$ measurements, where the oversampling factor k varies between $\kappa_r=1$ and $\kappa_r = r^2$ depending on the orbit. The reconstruction is stable towards both additive noise and deviations from the assumption of low rank. If the matrices of interest are in addition positive semidefinite, reconstruction may be performed by a simple constrained least squares regression. Our proof methods could be adapted to cover orbits of other groups.

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