嵌入式WinCE的视音频网络传输设计 The Embedded Design of Audio Network Transmission Based on WinCE Operating System

为了解决矿山应急救援通信网络设备沉重、快速组网困难的问题,本文设计了一种便携式网络终端设备。其采用WinCE系统和TCP/IP网络传输协议,包括WinCE移植工作,网络传输和WinCE嵌入式应用程序的开发。实现了一种互为客户端服务器的网络通信,完成了井下视频、音频、环境参数采集信息的实时传输。最后将嵌入式终端和PC主机结合起来进行了联合调试。大量测试数据表明视音频网络传输高效,软件代码具有良好的封装性,可移植性。 In order to solve the heavy equipment and hard to build fast networking problems in mine emer- gency rescue communication network, a portable network terminal equipment is designed in this paper. It uses WinCE system and TCP/IP network protocols, including WinCE transplantation, network transmission and WinCE embedded application development. A mutually for the client server network communication is realized, and the real-time transmission of underground video, audio, environmental parameters acquisition information is achieved. Finally the embedded terminal and the PC host combined joint debugging are conducted. Test data indicate that audio network transmission is efficient, and the software code is with good encapsulation and portability.