Diagnostic veterinary parasitology
An Introduction to the "Language" of Veterinary Parasitology. What Types of Parasites Infect/Infest Domesticated Animals? Introduction to the Protozoans. Common Protozoans Infecting Domestic Animals. Introduction to the Phylum Platyhelminthes, Class Trematoda. The Trematodes(Flukes) of Domesticated and Wild Animals (And Human Beings). Introduction to the Tapeworms. Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Platyhelminthes Flatworms. Class Cestoda Tapeworms. Subclass Eucestoda True Tapeworms. Subclass Cotyloda Pseudotapeworms. Introduction to the Acanthocephalans--Thorny-Headed Worms. Introduction to the Nematodes. Nematodes that Infect Domestic Animals. Introduction to the Arthropods. Arthropods: Infecting/Infesting Domestic Animals. Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Arthropoda The Arthropods. Subphylum Pentastomida The Pentastomes. Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Annelida The Leeches. Class Hirudinea. Order Gnathobdellida. Family Hirudinidae. Common Laboratory Procedures for Diagnosing Parasitism. Parasites of Public Health Importance.