Take a deep breath. Benefits of neuroplasticity practices for software developers and computer workers in a family of experiments

Context. Computer workers in general, and software developers specifically, are under a high amount of stress due to continuous deadlines and, often, over-commitment. Objective. This study investigates the effects of a neuroplasticity practice, a specific breathing practice, on the attention awareness, well-being, perceived productivity, and self-efficacy of computer workers. Method. We created a questionnaire mainly from existing, validated scales as entry and exit survey for data points for comparison before and after the intervention. The intervention was a 12-week program with a weekly live session that included a talk on a well-being topic and a facilitated group breathing session. During the intervention period, we solicited one daily journal note and one weekly well-being rating. We replicated the intervention in a similarly structured 8-week program. The data was analyzed using a Bayesian multilevel model for the quantitative part and thematic analysis for the qualitative part. Results. The intervention showed improvements in participants’ experienced inner states despite an ongoing pandemic and intense outer circumstances for most. Over the course of the study, we found an improvement in B. Penzenstadler Chalmers|Gothenburg University Lappeenranta Lahti University Tel.: +46-31-7723126 E-mail: birgitp@chalmers.se orcid 0000-0002-5771-0455 Richard Torkar Chalmers|Gothenburg University E-mail: torkar@gu.se orcid 0000-0002-0118-8143 Cristina Martinez Montes Chalmers|Gothenburg University E-mail: montesc@chalmers.se ar X iv :2 10 9. 07 28 5v 1 [ cs .S E ] 1 1 Se p 20 21 2 Birgit Penzenstadler et al. the participants’ ratings of how often they found themselves in good spirits as well as in a calm and relaxed state. We also aggregate a large number of deep inner reflections and growth processes that may not have surfaced for the participants without deliberate engagement in such a program. Conclusion. The data indicates usefulness and effectiveness of an intervention for computer workers in terms of increasing well-being and resilience. Everyone needs a way to deliberately relax, unplug, and recover. Breathing practice is a simple way to do so, and the results call for establishing a larger body of work to make this common practice.

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