Val-->Ala mutations selectively alter helix-helix packing in the transmembrane segment of phage M13 coat protein.

Val-->Ala mutations within the effective transmembrane segment of a model single-spanning membrane protein, the 50-residue major coat (gene VIII) protein of bacteriophage M13, are shown to have sequence-dependent impacts on stabilization of membrane-embedded helical dimeric structures. Randomized mutagenesis performed on the coat protein hydrophobic segment 21-39 (YIGYAWAMV-VVIVGATIGI) produced a library of viable mutants which included those in which each of the four valine residues was replaced by an alanine residue. Significant variations found among these Val-->Ala mutants in the relative populations and thermal stabilities of monomeric and dimeric helical species observed on SDS/PAGE, and in the range of their alpha-helix-->beta-sheet transition temperatures confirmed that intramembranous valine residues are not simply universal contributors to membrane anchoring. Additional analyses of (i) nonmutatable sites in the mutant protein library, (ii) the properties of the double mutant V29A-V31A obtained by recycling mutant V31A DNA through mutagenesis procedures, and (iii) energy-minimized helical dimer structures of wild-type and mutant V31A transmembrane regions indicated that the transmembrane hydrophobic core helix of the M13 coat protein can be partitioned into alternating pairs of potential protein-interactive residues (V30, V31; G34, A35; G38, I39) and membrane-interactive residues (M28, V29; I32, V33; T36, I37). The overall results consitute an experimental approach to categorizing the distinctive contributions to structure of the residues comprising a protein-protein packing interface vs. those facing lipid and confirm the sequence-dependent capacity of specific residues within the transmembrane domain to modulate protein-protein interactions which underlie regulatory events in membrane proteins.