A color constancy model for advanced television cameras

A color constancy mechanism is proposed to perceive the image color from the strengths of three RGB responses of a color camera or the like, independent of the color of the light illuminating the object. The first step of the method is to use a finite-dimensional linear model to estimate the color signals. It is shown that any color signal can be characterized as a linear combination of four principal component basis functions. Once the color signals have been estimated the unknown illuminant can be determined by S. Tominaga and B.A. Wandell's (1989) estimation method, which is based on a dichromatic model. In color constancy, the knowledge of surface reflectance helps in determining the canonical color descriptors despite the variations in the spectral power distribution of the ambient light. It is shown that the estimate of surface reflectance is derived from both the estimated color signal and illuminant straightforwardly. The model of a combination of the estimations of the surface spectral reflectance and the color signals can be employed in designing a color constancy electronic video camera which indeed improves the shortcomings of the traditional video camcorders. >