Molecular analysis of childhood primitive neuroectodermal tumors defines markers associated with poor outcome.

PURPOSE The diagnostic and prognostic significance of well-defined molecular markers was investigated in childhood primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET). MATERIALS AND METHODS Using microsatellite analysis, Southern blot analysis, and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), 30 primary tumors and six CSF metastasis specimens were analyzed for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of chromosomes 1q31, 6q, 9q22, 10q, 11, 16q22, and 17p13.1 and/or high-level amplification of the c-myc gene. Experimental data were compared with clinical stage and outcome. RESULTS LOH of chromosome 17p13.1 was found most frequently (14 of 30 tumors, six of six CSF metastasis specimens); LOH of chromosomes 10q, 16q22, 11, 6, 9q22, and 1q31 was observed in 20.6%, 20%, 14.3%, 12%, 10%, and 0%, respectively. Eight of 32 tumors and CSF specimens showed amplification of c-myc. All tumors with amplification of c-myc were resistant to therapy and had a fatal outcome (mean survival time, 9.3 months). Tumors that displayed LOH of chromosome 17p were associated with metastatic disease. The prognosis of these tumors was worse only when associated with amplification of c-myc. Three of three patients with LOH of 9q22 relapsed. CONCLUSION In our study, amplification of c-myc was a poor-prognosis marker in PNET. LOH of chromosome 17p was associated with metastatic disease. Molecular analysis of primary tumors using these markers may be useful for stratification of children with PNET in future prospective studies. The other aberrations investigated were not of significant prognostic value, but may provide an entry point for future large-scale molecular studies.

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