[Frequency of genes and blood groups of the systems, ABO, MN, Rh and P among the Belerussians and Poles of the Grodno region].
: A distribution of the gene frequencies and blood groups of the ABO, Rh, NM and P system in the poles and the byelorussians inthe Grodno region is investigated. The following frequencies of genes in the byelorussians were revealed: r(O)--0,6210; P(A)--0,2451; Q(B)--0,1339; D--0,6093; D-9,3907; M-0,6063; N-0,3937; P(+)-0,4971; P(--)--0,5029; and in poles: r(O)--0,6284; p(A)--0,2353; q(B)--0,1363; D - 0,6065; d - 0,3935; M - 0,6093; N- 0,0397; P(+) -0,4966; P(-) -0,5034. No statistically reliable differences were revealed in frequencies of the alleles an d phenotypes of the investigated systems in the poles and byelorussians. By comparison of the same isoantigen systems of the byelorussians in the Grodno region with the common population of the byelorussians in the BSSR it was found that statistically significant differences do not exist. The comparison of the poles in the Grodno region withthe poles in the Polish People's Republic showed a statistically reliable difference of their genofunds in terms of the gene frequencies: r(O) , p(A), D, d, P(+), P(-). This confirms the hypothesis about an indigenous origin of the poles in the Grondno region.