Mixed and Augmented Reality Tools in the Medical Anatomy Curriculum

The use of augmented reality (AR) in the medical field has grown since 2007-2013 and was first introduced in surgical departments. AR and mixed reality (MR) allow us to explore complex structures, observe phenomena that are difficult or impossible to see otherwise, and interact with the virtual structures they display. Recently, they are beginning to be adopted for education. This work examines whether new AR and MR technological tools, when used in the context of anatomical teaching, can allow for strengthening of teaching quality - for example by overcoming new or existing constraints such as the limited availability of dissection specimen. This work also considers how these technologies are to be applied efficiently and practically in teaching. An attempt is made to answer these questions in three stages: i) a non-systematic review of the literature ii) a review of augmented reality solutions for anatomy available on four different platforms iii) a 30-person study of the usability of augmented reality. The results show that there is potential for AR and MR to supplement anatomical teaching, but that traditional methods remain indispensable.