Reduced Support Vector Machine One against One for Multiclass Large Data

Support Vector Machine (SVM) is novel technique of machine learning and having good performance in classification problem. However, there is debility for classification large data is inefficient. Various researches that related to large data has also been done, such as Reduced Support Vector Machine (RSVM). But, it is limited for binary classification problem. The aim of this paper is how to contend a large data and multi class problem. In this paper, Reduced Support Vector Machine One-Against-One (RSVM-OAO) was purposed to solve large data and multi class problem. The result of RSVM-AOA method would be compared with Smooth Support Vector Machine One-Against-One ( SSVM-OAO) and Random Sampling SSVM-OAO. Evaluation was done on the classification accuracy and computation time. The result of this study, RSVM-OAO method was resulting 90% classification accuracy and shortly computation time. In SSVM-OAO method, not only resulting classification accuracy more than 90%, but also long computation time. Whereas, the Random Sampling SSVM-OAO method resulting lower classification accuracy and shortly computation time. If three of methods were compared, then RSVM-OAO is better than other, because it resulting high accuracy and short computation time.