Series solution for two-frequency Bragg interaction using the orpel–Poon multiple-scattering model

The two-frequency acousto-optic interaction is analytically solved in the Bragg regime by use of a multiple-scattering model that was previously described by Korpel and Poon [ J. Opt. Soc. Am.70, 817– 820 ( 1980)]. The method uses Feynman diagrams to conceptualize the problem and demonstrates the applicability of such a method to model a relatively complex system. The solution presented is compared with that derived by Hecht [ IEEE Trans. Sonics Ultrason.SU-24, 7– 18 ( 1977)], who used a coupled-mode approach. The derivation of our solution is relatively simple and leads to a formulation that appears to be more compact. Numerical evaluations have demonstrated their equivalence. We present results that illustrate the dependence of the diffracted beam intensities on the amplitude of the two acoustic waves.