Planning strategy for putting away laundry-isolating and unfolding task

Studies a service robot for housekeeping which deals with the laundry, such as pants, a shirt and a towel. A robot has to treat a variety of "nonsolid" objects, as well as solid objects, in a house. In order to improve the technology for handling a nonsolid object, we study making a robot put away the laundry. The task of putting away laundry is composed of the isolating task, the unfolding task and the folding task. These tasks include some subtasks; segmenting an image of a washed mass into some regions, taking out clothes from a washed mass, rehandling clothes, classifying into each clothes' type, recognizing the form of clothes, folding clothes and putting clothes on a specified place. The paper proposes the planning strategy for the isolating task and unfolding task.