Performance comparison of Nb/sub 3/Sn magnets at LBNL

The Superconducting Magnet group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory has been successfully developing Nb/sub 3/Sn high-field dipole magnet technology for the last ten years. Noteworthy magnet tests include D20 (50 mm bore, 4-layer cos /spl theta/, 12.8 T, accelerator quality dipole), and recent racetrack dipoles: 1) RT1 (2-layer, 12 T, no bore, no training), 2) RD3b (3-layer, 14.7 T, 10 mm bore), 3) RD3c (3-layer, 10 T, low-harmonics 35 mm bore), and 4) some small Nb/sub 3/Sn magnets that utilized new technology. The performance of these magnets is summarized, comparing 1) cable and magnet geometry parameters, 2) training behavior, 3) ramp rate sensitivity, 4) RRR measurements, 5) peak temperatures and voltages, and 6) fast flux adjustments that occur during ramping.