Organic thin-film-transistors (OTFTs) are drawing much attention as they have attributes such as structural flexibility, low-temperature processing, large area coverage, and low cost, which make them attractive for large-area electronics. Various forms of OTFTs can enable applications that were not achievable using traditional inorganic transistors and/or surpass them in terms of performance and cost. OTFTs cannot match the performance of silicon-based transistors, but can complement them by enabling electronic flexible systems, which don't have to operate at high-speed. Recently, inkjet printing has become a popular method for low-cost manufacturing of OTFTs making product level implementations feasible. Despite these encouraging developments, the relatively high voltage needed to power up traditional OTFT devices and the lack of a good n-type device presents major circuit design challenges for OTFT-based systems.
Chris H. Kim,et al.
A 1.1V, 667MHz random cycle, asymmetric 2T gain cell embedded DRAM with a 99.9 percentile retention time of 110µsec
2010 Symposium on VLSI Circuits.
T. Someya,et al.
An Organic FET SRAM With Back Gate to Increase Static Noise Margin and Its Application to Braille Sheet Display
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits.
Wei Zhang,et al.
Printed Sub‐2 V Gel‐Electrolyte‐Gated Polymer Transistors and Circuits
Robert Blache,et al.
Organic CMOS circuits for RFID applications
2009 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference - Digest of Technical Papers.