Микроэволюция возбудителя холеры в современный период

Aim : To carry out comparative molecular genetic analysis of highly pathogenic atypical Vibrio cholerae strains biovar El Tor, isolated in the territory of RF, in order to determine micro-evolutionary alterations of cholera agent in the modern period. Materials and methods : 38 clinical strains have been examined by means of polymerase chain reaction, sequencing and MLVA-analysis. The selected strains were isolated at different periods of time during cholera epidemic complications and differed between each other in virulence. Results: It is demonstrated that new variants have emerged in the course of short-term microevolution. Their genome structure and function differ from those of all previously known strains. The genome alterations have been caused by point mutations in ctxB и tcpA genes associated with virulence and located in CTXφ prophage and pathogenicity island VPI-1 respectively, as well as by the extended deletion in pandemicity island VSP-II. Presented is the dynamics of genome structure and function alterations in modern strains. Conclusion: The discovered genomic alterations in the new variants of the agent evolved in the process of microevolution are indicative of their epidemic potential enhancement and probability of virulence potentiation.