TMCP 강재의 규격관리 및 기계적 특성에 관한 연구 ( A Experimental Study on TMCP Plate of Standards Management and Mechanical Characteristics )
Thermo Mechanical Control Process(TMCP) plate is controlled by
several operations incloding rolling, cold strip, cooling rate,
fixed carbon quantity that affect the chemical composition and
mechanical properties. The purpose of this paper is to analysis
the management standards and identify tention, impact characteristics
over 40mm thick TMCP plates compared with rolled steels for welded
structure. TMCP plates are tested for three directions, rolling,
cross and section direction, with three thickness of plates which
are 30mm, 50mm and 80mm.
Test shows that the carbon equivalents are a primary factor of the
plates ductility. TMCP plates satisfy mechanical characteristics
where 1/4 section of plates according to Korean Stndards(KS).