Hirecs: Hypercube Implementation of Relaxation-Based Circuit Simulation
Circuit simulation is a highly compute-intensive task as it involves solving thousands of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) describing the VLSI circuit under consideration. This paper describes an effort towards speeding up this task using a hypercube-based architecture. The paper focusses on the design and development of HIRECS (Hypercube Implementation of RElaxation-Based Circuit Simulation). HIRECS is based on the relaxation approach of solving the ODEs describing the circuit. The natural decomposition of the problem makes the relaxation algorithms amenable to parallel implementation. HIRECS employs the Waveform Relaxation (WR) algorithm. The special feature of WR algorithm is that the latency of the circuit can be exploited better, effecting a saving in the total computation time. The concept of ’windowing’ has been incorporated in HIRECS to effect a saving in the memory requirement. Another important feature of HIRECS is a novel synchronization scheme called partial synchronization. HIRECS runs on a DEC-1090 system and is developed using SIMULA. Performance studies of HIRECS based on parameters such as speedup, efficiency, and utilization of processors have been carried out. The performance evaluation of HIRECS in the simulation of some bench mark circuits like inverter chains and multiplexers indicates that a significant speedup, almost linear, can be obtained using a hypercube. For circuits with large number of nodes, such an implementation can result in tremendous saving in the computation time.