Study on the Operation of the Solar Heating System with Ground Source Heat Pump as a Back-up Device
The study on the operation characteristics of solar space and water heating system with ground source heat pump (GSHP) as a back-up device was carried out. This system, called solar thermal and geothermal hybrid system (ST/G), was installed at Zero Energy Solar House II (KIER ZeSH-II) in Korea Institute of Energy Research. This ST/G hybrid system was developed to supply all thermal load in a house by renewable energy. The purpose of this study is to find out that this system is optimized and operated normally for the heating load of ZeSH-II. Experiment was continued for seven months, from October to April. The analysis was conducted as followings ; - the contribution of solar thermal system. - the appropriateness of GSHP as a back-up device. - the performance of solar thermal and ground source heat pump system respectively. - the adaptation of thermal peak load - the operation characteristics of hybrid system under different weather conditions. Finally the complementary measures for the system simplification was referred for the commercialization of this hybrid system.