Narrow-band photoreceiver OEIC on InP operating at 38 GHz

We report on the successful monolithic integration of an InP-based photoreceiver operating in the narrow band around 38 GHz at a wavelength of 1.55 /spl mu/m, The optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) incorporates two types of high-speed devices, a submicrometer metal-semiconductor-metal photodetector (MSM PD) made of InGaAs-InP and quarter-micrometer high-electron-mobility-transistors (HEMTs) based on a lattice-matched InGaAs-InAlAs-InP layer stack. For this purpose a fabrication process requiring only twelve main steps including a metal-organic chemical vapor deposition growth for the MSM PD layers and a MBE regrowth for the HEMT layers has been developed. At 38 GHz, a responsivity of 3.5 A/W for the OEIC is achieved.