Author-defined storage in the next generation learning management systems

One of the current trends in e-learning is the development of student-activating learning material. In four research projects aiming at the design of high quality learning material, a large body of student-activating learning material is being developed. During the development of this learning material, the limitations of the current generation learning management systems became obvious. The forthcoming SCORM 1.3 standard will resolve some of these limitations, but we have identified six additional functional requirements. The learning management system should enable adaptivity, the retrieval of history and state, comparison of results, tracking for pedagogical research, shared reference databases, and problem scenario databases. Each requirement is illustrated with examples from learning material developed in one of the research projects. An overview is also given of temporary workarounds we have developed to deploy this learning material in the current generation of learning management systems. However, we argue that future learning management systems with an author-defined storage facility will satisfy all six requirements.