Recent advances in fault isolation for semiconductor industry

In semiconductor companies, failure analysis (FA) activities play a major role in all many areas. FA is deeply involved in new process technology development, 1st Silicon bring-up, wafer sort and backend yield improvement, product qualification and customer return analysis. RegardLeSS Of area that FA SUPPOrtS, there IS aLWaYS a need fOr faULt ISOLatIOn PrIOr tO the PhYSICaL Or deStrUCtIVe faILUre anaLYSIS. FaULt ISOLatIOn IS the SteP Where We narrOW dOWn the area Of a faILIng Part Or PrOdUCt tO a manageabLe area. ThIS aLLOWS FA engIneer tO ImPrOVe the SUCCeSS Of PhYSICaLLY fIndIng rOOt CaUSe Of the faILUre and SPeedS UP the TUrn-arOUnd tIme fOr the anaLYSIS. ThIS InVIted taLK WILL COVer reCent adVanCeS In faULt ISOLatIOn teChnIqUeS and tOOLS In deVICe/SILICOn and PaCKagIng. CaSe StUdIeS fOr thOSe teChnIqUeS WILL be COVered tO PrOVIde greater UnderStandIng fOr the teChnIqUeS tO the aUdIenCe.

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