Steps towards a CSP yield calculation guideline: A first draft for discussion in the SolarPACES working group guiSmo

This paper provides an overview on an important step towards a SolarPACES guideline for CSP yield calculation. With the increasing number of CSP installations, standardization becomes more and more important for further reduction of costs and increase in quality. Yield calculation is a key issue throughout all phases of project development and throughout most of the involved players. Due to the need for more complex process models for CSP compared to other renewables like PV or wind, the yield calculation procedure is more demanding. Uncertainties in the process are covered by additional but partially unnecessary risk surcharges since systematic approaches for avoiding expensive redundancies in risk buffers are not available. It is the main motivation of the mentioned CSP yield calculation guideline to overcome this situation by providing a detailed methodology for yield calculation. A first comprehensive draft version has been compiled and will be subject of discussion in the SolarPACES working group gui...