The Graph Coloring Problem: A Bibliographic Survey

[1]  Dinoj Surendran,et al.  The three colour problem , 1999 .

[2]  J. Gross,et al.  Graph Theory and Its Applications , 1998 .

[3]  Jue Xue,et al.  Solving the Minimum Weighted Integer Coloring Problem , 1998, Comput. Optim. Appl..

[4]  Sanjeev Arora,et al.  Probabilistic checking of proofs: a new characterization of NP , 1998, JACM.

[5]  Alain Hertz,et al.  Ants can colour graphs , 1997 .

[6]  Noga Alon,et al.  A Spectral Technique for Coloring Random 3-Colorable Graphs , 1997, SIAM J. Comput..

[7]  William J. Cook,et al.  Combinatorial optimization , 1997 .

[8]  Panos M. Pardalos,et al.  Continuous Characterizations of the Maximum Clique Problem , 1997, Math. Oper. Res..

[9]  Dilip Chhajed Edge coloring a k-tree into two smaller trees , 1997, Networks.

[10]  Alan R. Woods Coloring rules for finite trees, and probabilities of monadic second order sentences , 1997, Random Struct. Algorithms.

[11]  Fred S. Roberts,et al.  Amenable Colorings , 1997, Discret. Appl. Math..

[12]  Alessandro Panconesi,et al.  Nearly optimal distributed edge coloring in O (log log n ) rounds , 1997 .

[13]  Xiao Zhou,et al.  An NC Parallel Algorithm for Edge-Coloring Series-Parallel Multigraphs , 1997, J. Algorithms.

[14]  Robin Thomas,et al.  The Four-Colour Theorem , 1997, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[15]  Noga Alon,et al.  A Note on Graph Colorings and Graph Polynomials , 1997, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[16]  Magnús M. Halldórsson,et al.  Parallel and On-Line Graph Coloring , 1997, J. Algorithms.

[17]  Robin Thomas,et al.  Tutte's Edge-Colouring Conjecture , 1997, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[18]  Patric R. J. Östergård A Coloring Problem in Hamming Spaces , 1997, Eur. J. Comb..

[19]  Boris G. Pittel,et al.  On-Line Coloring of Sparse Random Graphs and Random Trees , 1997, J. Algorithms.

[20]  Aravind Srinivasan,et al.  Randomized Distributed Edge Coloring via an Extension of the Chernoff-Hoeffding Bounds , 1997, SIAM J. Comput..

[21]  Sriram V. Pemmaraju,et al.  Using graph coloring in an algebraic compiler , 1997, Acta Informatica.

[22]  Frédéric Maffray,et al.  Coloring perfect degenerate graphs , 1997, Discret. Math..

[23]  Richard H. Schelp,et al.  A New Game Chromatic Number , 1997, Eur. J. Comb..

[24]  Kyriakos Kilakos,et al.  Fractional and integral colourings , 1996, Math. Program..

[25]  Victor J. Rayward-Smith,et al.  Modern Heuristic Search Methods , 1996 .

[26]  Shin-Ichi Nakano,et al.  Edge-Coloring Partial k-Trees , 1996, J. Algorithms.

[27]  Michael A. Trick,et al.  A Column Generation Approach for Graph Coloring , 1996, INFORMS J. Comput..

[28]  David S. Johnson,et al.  Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability , 1996 .

[29]  Tuvi Etzion,et al.  On the Chromatic Number, Colorings, and Codes of the Johnson Graph , 1996, Discret. Appl. Math..

[30]  Mark T. Jones,et al.  Parallel Heuristics for Improved, Balanced Graph Colorings , 1996, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

[31]  Jason I. Brown The Complexity of Generalized Graph Colorings , 1996, Discret. Appl. Math..

[32]  Charles Fleurent,et al.  Genetic and hybrid algorithms for graph coloring , 1996, Ann. Oper. Res..

[33]  A. O. Waller An Upper Bound for List T‐Colourings , 1996 .

[34]  Frank Hoffmann,et al.  A Graph-Coloring Result and Its Consequences For Polygon-Guarding Problems , 1996, SIAM J. Discret. Math..

[35]  C. P. Ravikumar,et al.  Parallel search-and-learn techniques and graph coloring , 1996, Knowl. Based Syst..

[36]  Weifa Liang,et al.  Parallel Algorithms for the Edge-Coloring and Edge-Coloring Update Problems , 1996, J. Parallel Distributed Comput..

[37]  David R. Guichard No-hole K-tuple (r+1)-distant Colorings of odd Cycles , 1996, Discret. Appl. Math..

[38]  Denise Sakai Troxell No-hole k-tuple (r+1)-distant Colorings , 1996, Discret. Appl. Math..

[39]  Takao Nishizeki,et al.  A Linear Algorithm for Edge-Coloring Series-Parallel Multigraphs , 1996, J. Algorithms.

[40]  S PinterShlomit Register allocation with instruction scheduling , 1993 .

[41]  Jeff Kahn,et al.  Asymptotically Good List-Colorings , 1996, J. Comb. Theory A.

[42]  R. Graham,et al.  Handbook of Combinatorics , 1995 .

[43]  H. Yap,et al.  Total Chromatic Number of Graphs of Order 2n + l having Maximum Degree 2n − 1 , 1995 .

[44]  Hal A. Kierstead,et al.  On-Line and First-Fit Coloring of Graphs That Do Not Induce P5 , 1995, SIAM J. Discret. Math..

[45]  J. K. Pollard,et al.  Determination of minimum number of wavelengths required for all-optical WDM networks using graph colouring , 1995 .

[46]  Joan P. Hutchinson,et al.  Three-Coloring Graphs Embedded on Surfaces with All Faces Even-Sided , 1995, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[47]  Alain Hertz,et al.  Embedding a sequential procedure within an evolutionary algorithm for coloring problems in graphs , 1995, J. Heuristics.

[48]  Joel H. Spencer,et al.  Coloring Random and Semi-Random k-Colorable Graphs , 1995, J. Algorithms.


[50]  Aravind Srinivasan,et al.  The local nature of Δ-coloring and its algorithmic applications , 1995, Comb..

[51]  Carsten Thomassen,et al.  3-List-Coloring Planar Graphs of Girth 5 , 1995, J. Comb. Theory B.

[52]  Václav Linek Colouring Steiner Quadruple Systems , 1995, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.

[53]  Eliezer Dekel,et al.  Edge Coloring Series Parallel Graphs , 1995, J. Algorithms.

[54]  Colin McDiarmid,et al.  The Complexity of Harmonious Colouring for Trees , 1995, Discret. Appl. Math..

[55]  Jennifer Ryan,et al.  The Depth and Width of Local Minima in Discrete Solution Spaces , 1995, Discret. Appl. Math..

[56]  Thomas Zaslavsky The Signed Chromatic Number of the Projective Plane and Klein Bottle and Antipodal Graph Coloring , 1995, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[57]  John Preater A Passage Time for Greedy-Coloring Cycles , 1995, Random Struct. Algorithms.

[58]  Tommy R. Jensen,et al.  Graph Coloring Problems , 1994 .

[59]  R. Motwani,et al.  Approximate graph coloring by semidefinite programming , 1994, FOCS 1994.

[60]  Chính T. Hoàng,et al.  Efficient Algorithms for Minimum Weighted Colouring of Some Classes of Perfect Graphs , 1994, Discret. Appl. Math..

[61]  Arundhati Raychaudhuri Further Results on T-Coloring and Frequency Assignment Problems , 1994, SIAM J. Discret. Math..

[62]  Refael Hassin,et al.  Maximizing the Number of Unused Colors in the Vertex Coloring Problem , 1994, Inf. Process. Lett..

[63]  Mauricio G. C. Resende,et al.  A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure for Maximum Independent Set , 1994, Oper. Res..

[64]  Carsten Thomassen Five-Coloring Graphs on the Torus , 1994, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[65]  A. Yavuz Oruç,et al.  Applications of matching and edge-coloring algorithms to routing in clos networks , 1994, Networks.

[66]  Panos M. Pardalos,et al.  Quadratic Assignment and Related Problems , 1994 .

[67]  Seong-Lyun Kim,et al.  A two-phase algorithm for frequency assignment in cellular mobile systems , 1994 .

[68]  Jan Karel Lenstra,et al.  Periodic Assignment and Graph Colouring , 1994, Discret. Appl. Math..

[69]  S. Sen Sarma,et al.  Some sequential graph colouring algorithms for restricted channel routeing , 1994 .

[70]  Bruce L. Bauslaugh,et al.  The Complexity of Infinite H-Coloring , 1994, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[71]  Gottfried Tinhofer,et al.  Hard-to-color Graphs for Connected Sequential Colorings , 1994, Discret. Appl. Math..

[72]  Margit Voigt,et al.  Chromatic Number of Prime Distance Graphs , 1994, Discret. Appl. Math..

[73]  Kewal K. Saluja,et al.  Hypergraph Coloring and Reconfigured RAM Testing , 1994, IEEE Trans. Computers.

[74]  Mihir Bellare,et al.  Improved non-approximability results , 1994, STOC '94.

[75]  Noga Alon,et al.  A spectral technique for coloring random 3-colorable graphs (preliminary version) , 1994, STOC '94.

[76]  Zsolt Tuza,et al.  Algorithmic complexity of list colorings , 1994, Discret. Appl. Math..

[77]  Ko-Wei Lih,et al.  Equitable Coloring of Trees , 1994, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[78]  Vladimir P. Korzhik A Lower Bound for the One-Chromatic Number of a Surface , 1994, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[79]  Keith D. Cooper,et al.  Improvements to graph coloring register allocation , 1994, TOPL.

[80]  Avrim Blum,et al.  New approximation algorithms for graph coloring , 1994, JACM.

[81]  Rajiv Gupta,et al.  Efficient register allocation via coloring using clique separators , 1994, TOPL.

[82]  Panos M. Pardalos,et al.  The maximum clique problem , 1994, J. Glob. Optim..

[83]  Richard C. Brewster The Complexity of Colouring Symmetric Relational Systems , 1994, Discret. Appl. Math..

[84]  Dominique de Werra,et al.  Chromatic Scheduling and Frequency Assignment , 1994, Discret. Appl. Math..

[85]  S. Tamura,et al.  Comments on "Artificial neural networks for four-coloring map problems and K-colorability problems" , 1994 .

[86]  Jue Xue,et al.  Edge-maximal triangulated subgraphs and heuristics for the maximum clique problem , 1994, Networks.

[87]  Load balancing by graph coloring, an algorithm , 1994 .

[88]  T. V. Lakshman,et al.  A graph-coloring scheme for scheduling cell transmissions and its photonic implementation , 1994, IEEE Trans. Commun..

[89]  Hal A. Kierstead,et al.  On-Line Coloring and Recursive Graph Theory , 1994, SIAM J. Discret. Math..

[90]  Brigitte Jaumard,et al.  Local Optima Topology for the k-Coloring Problem , 1991, Discret. Appl. Math..

[91]  M. Marathe,et al.  Efficient Approximation Algorithms for Domatic Partition and on-line Coloring of Circular Arc Graphs , 1996, Discret. Appl. Math..

[92]  Egon Balas,et al.  Polyhedral methods for the maximum clique problem , 1994, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[93]  Panos M. Pardalos,et al.  Test case generators and computational results for the maximum clique problem , 1993, J. Glob. Optim..

[94]  Richard A. Brualdi,et al.  Incidence and strong edge colorings of graphs , 1993, Discret. Math..

[95]  Richard L. Roth Perfect colorings of multipatterns in the plane , 1993, Discret. Math..

[96]  Norma Zagaglia Salvi A note on the line-distinguishing chromatic number and the chromatic index of a graph , 1993, J. Graph Theory.

[97]  Marek Kubale,et al.  Interval edge coloring of a graph with forbidden colors , 1993, Discret. Math..

[98]  Barry A. Tesman List T-Colorings of Graphs , 1993, Discret. Appl. Math..

[99]  Walter D. Wallis,et al.  On the partition and coloring of a graph by cliques , 1993, Discret. Math..

[100]  C. Thomassen,et al.  Five-Coloring Maps on Surfaces , 1993, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[101]  Chi Wang,et al.  No-hole (r+1)-distant colorings , 1993, Discret. Math..

[102]  Jeong Han Kim On 3-colorings of E(Kn) , 1993, Discret. Math..

[103]  Lutz Volkmann,et al.  Some upper bounds for the product of the domination number and the chromatic number of a graph , 1993, Discret. Math..

[104]  Zhikang Lu The harmonious chromatic number of a complete binary and trinary tree , 1993, Discret. Math..

[105]  F. Göbel,et al.  Coloring a graph optimally with two colors , 1993, Discret. Math..

[106]  Mary Jean Harrold,et al.  Load/store range analysis for global register allocation , 1993, PLDI '93.

[107]  Tad Hogg,et al.  Extending Deep Structure , 1993, AAAI.

[108]  Anthony J. W. Hilton,et al.  The total chromatic number of graphs having large maximum degree , 1993, Discret. Math..

[109]  Bing Zhou,et al.  The star chromatic number of a graph , 1993, J. Graph Theory.

[110]  Nathan Linial,et al.  On the Hardness of Approximating the Chromatic Number , 1993, [1993] The 2nd Israel Symposium on Theory and Computing Systems.

[111]  David R. Guichard,et al.  Acyclic graph coloring and the complexity of the star chromatic number , 1993, J. Graph Theory.

[112]  Carsten Lund,et al.  On the hardness of approximating minimization problems , 1993, STOC.

[113]  Masakazu Sengoku,et al.  Graph & network theory and cellular mobile communications , 1993, 1993 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems.

[114]  Jon Lee,et al.  A comparison of two edge-coloring formulations , 1993, Oper. Res. Lett..

[115]  Mark T. Jones,et al.  A Parallel Graph Coloring Heuristic , 1993, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

[116]  Pradip K. Srimani,et al.  A self-stabilizing algorithm for coloring bipartite graphs , 1993, Inf. Sci..

[117]  Angelika Zobel,et al.  Program Structure as Basis for the Parallelization of Global Register Allocation , 1993, Comput. Lang..

[118]  David Mahalel,et al.  Heuristic approach to task scheduling: `weight' and `improve' algorithms , 1993 .

[119]  Anthony J. W. Hilton Recent results on the total chromatic number , 1993, Discret. Math..

[120]  Giovanni Lo Faro,et al.  2-Colourings in S(t, t + 1, v) , 1993, Discret. Math..

[121]  Colin McDiarmid,et al.  An upper bound for total colouring of graphs , 1993, Discret. Math..

[122]  Magnús M. Hallórsson A still better performance guarantee for approximate graph coloring , 1993 .

[123]  Frank W. Sinden Coloring Drawings of Bipartite Graphs: A Problem in Automated Assembly , 1993, Discret. Appl. Math..

[124]  Pierre Hansen,et al.  Bounded vertex colorings of graphs , 1990, Discret. Math..

[125]  Zhang Zhong The Complete Chromatic Number of Some Planar Graphs , 1993 .

[126]  Panos M. Pardalos,et al.  A continuous based heuristic for the maximum clique problem , 1993, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[127]  Craig A. Morgenstern Distributed coloration neighborhood search , 1993, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[128]  Charles Fleurent,et al.  Object-oriented implementation of heuristic search methods for Graph Coloring, Maximum Clique, and Satisfiability , 1993, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[129]  Bruce A. Reed,et al.  On Total Colorings of Graphs , 1993, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[130]  Anne Condon,et al.  Experiments with parallel graph coloring heuristics and applications of graph coloring , 1993, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[131]  Feng Luo,et al.  Exploring the k-colorable landscape with Iterated Greedy , 1993, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[132]  Fred W. Glover,et al.  Coloring by tabu branch and bound , 1993, Cliques, Coloring, and Satisfiability.

[133]  Arundhati Raychaudhuri Optimal Multiple Interval Assignments in Frequency Assignment and Traffic Phasing , 1992, Discret. Appl. Math..

[134]  Kenneth A. Berman,et al.  The bounded chromatic number for graphs of genus g , 1992, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[135]  Alexander Soifer A Six-Coloring of the Plane , 1992, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.

[136]  A. A. Razborov,et al.  The gap between the chromatic number of a graph and the rank of its adjacency matrix is superlinear , 1992, Discret. Math..

[137]  Carsten Lund,et al.  Proof verification and hardness of approximation problems , 1992, Proceedings., 33rd Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.

[138]  Egon Balas,et al.  Addendum: Minimum Weighted Coloring of Triangulated Graphs, with Application to Maximum Weight Vertex Packing and Clique Finding in Arbitrary Graphs , 1992, SIAM J. Comput..

[139]  Magnús M. Halldórsson,et al.  Lower bounds for on-line graph coloring , 1992, SODA '92.

[140]  Tad Hogg,et al.  Using Deep Structure to Locate Hard Problems , 1992, AAAI.

[141]  C. R. Subramanian,et al.  Coloring Random Graphs , 1992, SWAT.

[142]  Zsolt Tuza,et al.  Graph coloring in linear time , 1992, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[143]  H. R. Hind An upper bound for the total chromatic number of dense graphs , 1992, J. Graph Theory.

[144]  Panos M. Pardalos,et al.  A branch and bound algorithm for the maximum clique problem , 1992, Comput. Oper. Res..

[145]  Aravind Srinivasan,et al.  Improved distributed algorithms for coloring and network decomposition problems , 1992, STOC '92.

[146]  Klaus Jansen,et al.  Generalized Coloring for Tree-like Graphs , 1992, Discret. Appl. Math..

[147]  Chính T. Hoàng A Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Weighted Colouring of Triangulated Graphs , 1992, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[148]  Daphne Der-Fen Liu T-colorings of graphs , 1992, Discret. Math..

[149]  Alexandr V. Kostochka,et al.  List edge chromatic number of graphs with large girth , 1992, Discret. Math..

[150]  Charles Payan,et al.  On the chromatic number of cube-like graphs , 1992, Discret. Math..

[151]  C. E. Foster,et al.  An empirical investigation of the Haifa register allocation technique in the GNU C compiler , 1992, Proceedings IEEE Southeastcon '92.

[152]  Bernard M. E. Moret,et al.  Three-coloring the vertices of a triangulated simple polygon , 1992, Pattern Recognit..

[153]  Marek Kubale Some results concerning the complexity of restricted colorings of graphs , 1992, Discret. Appl. Math..

[154]  Leizhen Cai,et al.  Edge colouring line graphs of unicyclic graphs , 1992, Discret. Appl. Math..

[155]  Alexander Rosa On a class of completable partial edge-colourings , 1992, Discret. Appl. Math..

[156]  Peter Rajcáni Optimal Parallel 3-Coloring Algorithm for Rooted Trees and its Applications , 1992, Inf. Process. Lett..

[157]  Miroslaw Truszczynski Generalized local colorings of graphs , 1992, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[158]  Keith D. Cooper,et al.  Coloring register pairs , 1992, LOPL.

[159]  Viggo Kann,et al.  On the Approximability of the Maximum Common Subgraph Problem , 1992, STACS.

[160]  C. Greg Plaxton,et al.  Conference Proceedings of the Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing , 1992, STOC 1992.

[161]  Jeff Kahn,et al.  Coloring Nearly-Disjoint Hypergraphs with n+o(n) Colors , 1992, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A.

[162]  Wolfgang Fichtner,et al.  A Set of New Mapping and Coloring Heuristics for Distributed-Memory Parallel Processors , 1992, SIAM J. Sci. Comput..

[163]  J. Culberson Iterated Greedy Graph Coloring and the Difficulty Landscape , 1992 .

[164]  D. E. Thomas,et al.  New methods for coloring and clique partitioning in data path allocation , 1991, Integr..

[165]  Ludek Kucera,et al.  The Greedy Coloring Is a Bad Probabilistic Algorithm , 1991, J. Algorithms.

[166]  Tai-Kuo Woo,et al.  Resource allocation in a dynamically partitionable bus network using a graph coloring algorithm , 1991, IEEE Trans. Commun..

[167]  Colin McDiarmid,et al.  Upper bounds for harmonious colorings , 1991, J. Graph Theory.

[168]  LaNae J. Avra,et al.  ALLOCATION AND ASSIGNMENT IN HIGH-LEVEL SYNTHESIS FOR SELF-TESTABLE DATA PATHS , 1991, 1991, Proceedings. International Test Conference.

[169]  Alain Hertz,et al.  Cosine: A new graph coloring algorithm , 1991, Oper. Res. Lett..

[170]  Tomasz Luczak A note on the sharp concentration of the chromatic number of random graphs , 1991, Comb..

[171]  Zhikang Lu On an upper bound for the harmonious chromatic number of a graph , 1991, J. Graph Theory.

[172]  László Lovász,et al.  Approximating clique is almost NP-complete , 1991, [1991] Proceedings 32nd Annual Symposium of Foundations of Computer Science.

[173]  Peter C. Cheeseman,et al.  Where the Really Hard Problems Are , 1991, IJCAI.

[174]  A. Gamst Application of graph theoretical methods to GSM radio network planning , 1991, 1991., IEEE International Sympoisum on Circuits and Systems.

[175]  András Gyárfás,et al.  Effective on-line coloring ofP5-free graphs , 1991, Comb..

[176]  Errol L. Lloyd,et al.  on the K-coloring of Intervals , 1991, Discret. Appl. Math..

[177]  Masakazu Sengoku,et al.  Graph theoretical considerations of channel offset systems in a cellular mobile system , 1991 .

[178]  Cecilia R. Aragon,et al.  Optimization by Simulated Annealing: An Experimental Evaluation; Part II, Graph Coloring and Number Partitioning , 1991, Oper. Res..

[179]  David Callahan,et al.  Register allocation via hierarchical graph coloring , 1991, PLDI '91.

[180]  Ira M. Gessel,et al.  A coloring problem , 1991 .

[181]  Yoshiyasu Takefuji,et al.  Artificial neural networks for four-coloring map problems and K-colorability problems , 1991 .

[182]  Tomasz Luczak The chromatic number of random graphs , 1991, Comb..

[183]  Leizhen Cai,et al.  NP-completeness of edge-colouring some restricted graphs , 1991, Discret. Appl. Math..

[184]  Fred S. Roberts,et al.  T-colorings of graphs: recent results and open problems , 1991, Discret. Math..

[185]  Panos M. Pardalos,et al.  An algorithm for finding a maximum weighted independent set in an arbitrary graph , 1991, Int. J. Comput. Math..

[186]  Colouring the discretization graphs arising in the multigrid method , 1991 .

[187]  Tak-Shing Peter Yum,et al.  An efficient code assignment algorithm for multihop spread spectrum packet radio networks , 1990, [Proceedings] GLOBECOM '90: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference and Exhibition.

[188]  Alain Hertz,et al.  A fast algorithm for coloring Meyniel graphs , 1990, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[189]  Sundar Vishwanathan,et al.  Randomized online graph coloring , 1990, Proceedings [1990] 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.

[190]  Sandy Irani,et al.  Coloring inductive graphs on-line , 1990, Proceedings [1990] 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.

[191]  Avrim Blum,et al.  Some tools for approximate 3-coloring , 1990, Proceedings [1990] 31st Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.

[192]  Kathryn A. Dowsland,et al.  A Timetabling Problem in which Clashes are Inevitable , 1990 .

[193]  John L. Hennessy,et al.  The priority-based coloring approach to register allocation , 1990, TOPL.

[194]  Yoshiyasu Takefuji,et al.  Parallel algorithms for finding a near-maximum independent set of a circle graph , 1990, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks.

[195]  Xin He,et al.  An Efficient Algorithm for Edge Coloring Planar Graphs with Delta Colors , 1990, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[196]  Jorge Urrutia,et al.  A note on balanced colourings for lattice points , 1990, Discret. Math..

[197]  Pierre Baldi On a generalized family of colorings , 1990, Graphs Comb..

[198]  Brian R. Nickerson Graph coloring register allocation for processors with multi-register operands , 1990, PLDI '90.

[199]  A. Gamst,et al.  Computational complexity of some interference graph calculations (mobile radio) , 1990 .

[200]  Hans Ulrich Simon,et al.  On Approximate Solutions for Combinatorial Optimization Problems , 1990, SIAM J. Discret. Math..

[201]  Samir Khuller Coloring Algorithms for K_5-Minor Free Graphs , 1990, Inf. Process. Lett..

[202]  Alan M. Frieze,et al.  On the independence number of random graphs , 1990, Discret. Math..

[203]  Wojciech Rytter,et al.  Optimally Edge-Colouring Outerplanar Graphs is in NC , 1990, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[204]  David Kelly,et al.  Graph coloring satisfying restraints , 1990, Discret. Math..

[205]  Jaroslav Nesetril,et al.  On the complexity of H-coloring , 1990, J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.

[206]  Jørgen Bang-Jensen,et al.  The effect of two cycles on the complexity of colourings by directed graphs , 1989, Discret. Appl. Math..

[207]  P. Pardalos,et al.  A global optimization approach for solving the maximum clique problem , 1990 .

[208]  Pierre Baldi,et al.  Graph coloring bounds for cellular radio , 1990 .

[209]  Janez Zerovnik A parallel variant of a heuristical algorithm for graph colouring , 1990, Parallel Comput..

[210]  Louis Caccetta,et al.  Regular graphs with prescribed chromatic number , 1990, J. Graph Theory.

[211]  Extending Planar Graph Algorithms to K_3,3-Free Graphs , 1990, Inf. Comput..

[212]  Janez Zerovnik A Randomised Heuristical Algorithm for Estimating the Chromatic Number of a Graph , 1989, Inf. Process. Lett..

[213]  Jonathan F. Bard,et al.  Flight Scheduling and Maintenance Base Planning , 1989 .

[214]  Farrokh Saba,et al.  On the Path‐Chromatic Number of a Graph , 1989 .

[215]  Anthony J. W. Hilton,et al.  Edge‐Colorings of Graphs: A Progress Report , 1989 .

[216]  Martin E. Dyer,et al.  The Solution of Some Random NP-Hard Problems in Polynomial Expected Time , 1989, J. Algorithms.

[217]  Nathan Linial,et al.  Graph products and chromatic numbers , 1989, 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science.

[218]  John A. Ellis,et al.  A Las Vegas Graph Colouring Algorithm , 1989, Computer/law journal.

[219]  D. J. A. Welsh,et al.  A randomised 3-colouring algorithm , 1989, Discret. Math..

[220]  Michael E. Saks,et al.  An on-line graph coloring algorithm with sublinear performance ratio , 1989, Discret. Math..

[221]  Samir Kumar Bandyopadhyay,et al.  Some sequential graph colouring algorithms , 1989 .

[222]  Ron Y. Pinter,et al.  Spill code minimization techniques for optimizing compliers , 1989, PLDI '89.

[223]  Stephan Olariu,et al.  Welsh-Powell Opposition Graphs , 1989, Inf. Process. Lett..

[224]  Ludek Kucera Graphs with Small Chromatic Numbers are Easy to Color , 1989, Inf. Process. Lett..

[225]  Gerhard J. Woeginger,et al.  Polynomial Graph-Colorings , 1989, STACS.

[226]  D. de Werra,et al.  Heuristics for graph coloring , 1989 .

[227]  Mihalis Yannakakis,et al.  Optimization, approximation, and complexity classes , 1991, STOC '88.

[228]  András Gyárfás,et al.  On-line and first fit colorings of graphs , 1988, J. Graph Theory.

[229]  Mihalis Yannakakis,et al.  On Generating All Maximal Independent Sets , 1988, Inf. Process. Lett..

[230]  Pavol Hell,et al.  On multiplicative graphs and the product conjecture , 1988, Comb..

[231]  Béla Bollobás,et al.  The chromatic number of random graphs , 1988, Comb..

[232]  Jonathan S. Turner,et al.  Almost All k-Colorable Graphs are Easy to Color , 1988, J. Algorithms.

[233]  E. M. Kheifets Planning of operation of communications links in packet radio networks using a graph-coloring algorithm , 1988 .

[234]  Alain Hertz,et al.  Consecutive colorings of graphs , 1988, ZOR Methods Model. Oper. Res..

[235]  Leonid A. Levin,et al.  Random instances of a graph coloring problem are hard , 1988, STOC '88.

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[237]  Dan Archdeacon,et al.  A note on defective colorings of graphs in surfaces , 1987, J. Graph Theory.

[238]  Dominique de Werra,et al.  Four classes of perfectly orderable graphs , 1987, J. Graph Theory.

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[242]  Richard W. Eglese,et al.  Conference Seminar Timetabling , 1987 .

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[338]  Paul A. Catlin,et al.  Another bound on the chromatic number of a graph , 1978, Discret. Math..

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