Proposed Dinner to Mr. Martin

I have paid over a hundred visits, travelled sixty-two miles, and supplied me(licines." Another writes:-" During the last quarter, I have had an unusual amount of fever cases (no fewer than ninety); for which I have received £4: 10, my regular ,quarter's salary." Other cases not mnentioned. Surely, I need say no more of the urgency of the reform we seek, or of the necessity for all the Poor-law medical officers lending a lhelpinig hand. Permit me here, in the name of the Associtation, to thank those gentlemen unconnected with the Poor-law, who have so generously sent subscriptions. Against their names a * star lhas been affixed. I am, etc., 1RICEIARD GRIFFIN. 12, Royal Terrace, Weymouth, Feb. 8th, 1862.