Using microcomputers in research
This report is an execution oriented information document of the overyday uses of the microcomputer for the researcher. An introductory section outlines the usefulness of a computer and the differences between micro mini and mainframe computers. Microcomputer terminology is defined as well as the American Standard Code for Information Exchange (ASCII). Memory systems internal and external are discussed and some projections made for laser technology and RAM memory supplements. A section details operating system tasks and discusses different operating systems. There is a compatibility problem between micros which can be a factor in the machine chosen. Word processing features are detailed: text editors and formatters drafting and redrafting outline processing and proposal preparation advantages for multiple-author works and the use of "boiler plate" texts for changing information such as curriculum vitaes and institutional statistics. Wordstar Microsoft Word Multimate Write Applewriter and MacWrite word processing languages are compared. The use of spreadsheet programs for personal and research proposal budgets both for formulating and managing is possible with many microcomputers. Data gathering is an important aspect of computer use for academics who use them to organize notes for subsequent indexing and searching constructing questionaires automated surveys (specifically computer-aided telephone interviewing) field data gathering process control in experimental research (used now for small group research) and communications for data transferral. Hardware software asynchronous and synchronous systems and specialized communications options are all important elements of multicomputer communication. Microcomputers are useful for statistical analysis data management/manipulation and textual analysis but usually need to interact with a mainframe for large-scale data bases. Writing and editing of the research report is greatly simplified especially for citations and spelling correction and resubmission of modified reports.