In this paper a feedback hearization approach for a nonlinear Skid-To-" (S'IT) &Ue del has been discussed In this work rmst realistic nonIInearltiPs In the mLsslle dynamics, including the coupling effect between pitch and yaw channels due to he effect of bank angle, are taken into full amuut. MLfslle velocity and air density are assumed eo be constant or slow-varying variables. Furtl~ermore, the total angle of attack need not be assumed to be confloed to small values: for autopilot stability. Spedncally, exact input-output (VO) feedback hearhation based on a nominal model bar: been wed out. Thereby, the YO dynamic characteristics of the pitch and yaw fhanneLp csll be made linear decoupled. More importantly, the dynmdcs becomes independent of flight conditions such as mlsslle velacity and air density. The technique applied in this work is uefd for the autopilot design of highly maneuvering STT missiles. ~.~~~~.~e~.~n