Evaluating the Localization for E-Learning Website: Case Study in Universiti Malaysia Sabah

Users from different cultures might have different expectations when engaging with interface design of a website. It is assumed that every person is influenced by his or her culture stated that, perceptions, preferences, communications and social acceptance are subject to culture. A slow interaction between users and user interface is one of the problem occur due to lack of limited standard of web object and users' expectation. In addition, limited standard of web object makes the User Interface Design complex and complicated. A guideline has been proposed for user interface design for e-learning website based on localization of web objects. The proposed guideline has been used in this research to redesign an existing e-learning website of Universiti Malaysia Sabah, namely Smart2ums and user interaction with the adapted user interface has been evaluated through simulation tool, namely Camtasia Studio. This research proven that adapted interface design with guideline of localization more efficient compared to interface design without adapted guideline.