Human Capital in the Supply Chain of Global Firms

SUMMARY Friedman’s contention that we are operatingin a flatter world is correct. However, it isarguedherethatfirmschallengedwithoper-ating in this environment must recognizethat the levelers have not made the playingfield equal for each firm. The playing fieldhas been leveled by increasing the need tofocus on the human capital (and constrain-ing managerial mindsets) of the supplychain personnel that the firm employs. Thisarticle has argued that human capital is thefoundation for business success in the flatworld. Through the embodiment of humancapital in the firm’s global supply chain thefirm is able to compete. However, it isargued that global competitiveness is con-strained by the mindsets that supply chainpersonnel operate under, as well as thedegree of analytical and social capital pos-sessed. It is argued that through a four-stepassessment procedure, firms can assess andappropriatelymatchsupplychainpersonnelto specific jobs, thereby increasing theirglobal competitiveness. It is argued herethe importance of the individual is key to