This paper addresses the key challenges in bundling multiple camera based DAS applications onto the same hardware platform. In particular, we discuss combinations of lane departure warning (LDW), Automatic High-beam Control (AHC), traffic sign recognition (TSR) and forward collision warning (FCW). The advantages of bundling are in cost reduction and that it allows more functions to be added to the car without increasing the footprint on the car windshield. The challenge in bundling is that the different applications traditionally have different requirements from the image sensor and optics. We show how algorithms can be modified so that they can all work together by relying less the particular physics of the camera and making more use of advanced pattern recognition techniques. This shift in algorithm paradigm means an increase in computational requirement. The introduction of new automotive qualified, high performance vision processors makes these new algorithms both viable and affordable paving the way to bundles of application running on the same platform.
Amnon Shashua,et al.
Vision-based ACC with a single camera: bounds on range and range rate accuracy
IEEE IV2003 Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Proceedings (Cat. No.03TH8683).
William T. Freeman,et al.
Efficient graphical models for processing images
Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2004. CVPR 2004..
O. Mano,et al.
Forward collision warning with a single camera
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2004.