A Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process-Based Career Decision Making

The common problem for many students is the selection of college to be enrolled in for graduate studies for their prospective career. A student is uncertain about making this decision. As many factors are involved in choosing an appropriate college for graduation, college selection falls into the category of Multi-criteria Analysis (MA) problem. To solve such problems, the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1980) is employed. Moreover, if an individual is supposed to take any decision, he specifies his preferences using linguistic variables instead of assigning any crisp score to the preference. These linguistic terms are nothing but imprecise and dubious values. To deal with such fuzziness, Buckley (1999), and Laarhoven and Pedrycz (1983) extended Saaty’s AHP by incorporating fuzzy characteristics into it and developed a new process known as Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (FAHP). FAHP thus helps the decision makers to deal with imprecision and subjectiveness in pair-wise comparison process. By using FAHP, this paper will aid the school students in selecting the best college for pursuing B. Tech in the Delhi region.