An approach to differential geometry of fractional order via modified Riemann-Liouville derivative

In order to cope with some difficulties due to the fact that the derivative of a constant is not zero with the commonly accepted Riemann-Liouville definition of fractional derivative, one (Jumarie) has proposed recently an alternative referred to as (local) modified Riemann-Liouville definition, which directly, provides a Taylor’s series of fractional order for non differentiable functions. We examine here in which way this calculus can be used as a framework for a differential geometry of fractional order. One will examine successively implicit function, manifold, length of curves, radius of curvature, Christoffel coefficients, velocity, acceleration. One outlines the application of this framework to Lagrange optimization in mechanics, and one concludes with some considerations on a possible fractional extension of the pseudo-geodesic of thespecial relativity and of the Lorentz transformation.

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