Reliability Estimation ofUninterruptible Power Supply Systems: Boolean TruthTable Method
Thispaperinvestigates theapplication ofthe BooleanTruthTablemodelling methodinestimating the reliability parameters suchasthesystem's Failure Ratesand MeanTimeBetween Failures (MTBF), fortheUninterruptible PowerSupply(UPS)systems. Allpossible state combinations (operating andfailed states) ofthemajorcomponents inthe UPSsystems werelisted andtheir effects onoverall system were studied. Themethodwasapplied tofive UPSconfigurations and theresults obtained werecompared totheresults fromother reliability estimation methodsuchastheReliability Block Diagram (RBD)methodandField Dataestimation method.
[1] Edward G. Schwarm. Comparative Reliability of Uninterruptible Power Supply Configurations , 1979, INTELEC - 1979 International Telecommunications Energy Conference.