Bagaço de uva como ingrediente alternativo no arraçoamento de coelhos em crescimento

This study aimed to evaluate the effects of inclusion of grape pomace as a replacement for alfalfa hay on performance, carcass yield and morpho hitological parameters of the gastrointestinal tract of rabbits during the growth phase. A total of 30 rabbits of New Zealand White equally divided into three treatments: experimental compounds by standard diet (without inclusion of grape pomace), and the diets with 25% and 50% replacement of alfalfa by grape pomace in the respective experimental diets. The inclusion of grape pomace caused a linear increase in total feed intake and weight gain. The presence in a greater proportion of essential fatty acids in treatment with Omega3 and omega6 T25BU and T50BU best responses promoted husbandry, since these nutrients act positively in the homeostatic equilibrium. The morphohistological results showed that the height of the intestinal villi cecum increased with the inclusion of dietary grape pomace , showing a positive correlation. The inclusion of grape pomace in diets for rabbits in the growth phase alters their performance, increasing the total feed intake and weight gain. It also showed that increasing this co-product improves the morphology of the cecum intestinal villi.