Academic and Industrial User Needs for a Concurrent Engineering Computer Simulation Game

This paper describes the rationale of a multimedia computer based simulation game of concurrent engineering for use on university engineering courses and for the training of engineers in industry. It describes the methodology and results of the analysis of academic and industrial user needs. This included interviews and focus groups with users and players of the simulation. The learning goals for the simulation were developed from this analysis. These learning goals and the insights gained were used as an input in the development of a simulation modelling methodology and computer simulation model of CE. The outcome of the development methodology was the first prototype of the COSIGA CE simulation game. This prototype is currently undergoing testing, including assessing how well it delivers the learning goals. The game will aim to realistically simulate the collaborative and cooperative process of product development inherent in a concurrent engineering approach. It is a team player game, played by up to five people. It can be played by individuals in the same room or in a distributed group, using the internet and telecommunications (phone, fax, videophone, etc). Each person plays a role in the product development process and work collaboratively together, using whatever communication means they choose, to specify, design, and produce the final product - a type of truck. This would involve them drawing up a market specification, a product specification, designing the product and allocating production processes. The product's manufacturability will be put to the test in the simulated factory to produce the final products. The final product's conformance to specification, development time and costs are used to calculate the team's score. This two year project will make the final simulation game available on CD-Rom (with a demo version available on the internet) for use by other universities and industrial companies.