ECOOP'91 European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming
Modeling the C++ object model.- Optimizing dynamically-typed object-oriented languages with polymorphic inline caches.- An object-oriented logic language for modular system specification.- Capsules and types in Fresco.- Schema modifications in the LISPO2 persistent object-oriented language.- The design of an Integrity Consistency Checker (ICC) for an object oriented database system.- Synchronizing Actions.- An object calculus for asynchronous communication.- Definition of reusable concurrent software components.- Inheritance in object oriented Z.- OOZE: An Object Oriented Z Environment.- Issues in the design and implementation of a schema designer for an OODBMS.- Object integrity using rules.- Hybrid group reflective architecture for object-oriented concurrent reflective programming.- Implementational reflection in Silica.- Exceptions in Guide, an object-oriented language for distributed applications.- Representation of complex objects: Multiple facets with part-whole hierarchies.- Multi-methods in a statically-typed programming language.- What is type-safe code reuse?.- Implementation techniques for integral version management.- Object-oriented analysis and top-down software development.- Incremental class dictionary learning and optimization.