The Updated Calibration Pipeline for WFC3/UVIS: a Reference Guide to calwf3 (version 3.3)

We report on the major developments to the calibration pipeline (calwf3 version 3.3) for the UVIS channel of the Wide-Field Camera 3. There are three key additions to the software: (1) independent photometric calibrations for the two CCDs, (2) integration of a pixel-based charge-transfer efficiency correction, and (3) masking of sink pixels by means of a new reference file (SNKCFILE). This report is meant to serve as a Reference Guide summarizing the detailed Instrument Science Reports that describe the 2016 reference files and software. We highlight results demonstrating the efficacy of the new version of the calibration pipeline and offer guidance to users planning observations with the UVIS channel. A corollary report presents a step-by-step “cookbook” for common analysis needs. For the sake of completeness, we also mention two minor changes to the processing of IR scanning-mode data that have be incorporated in the new calwf3 (version 3.3). Copyright c © 2008 The Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.