for years, researchers in medical image retrieval area have been representing and recognizing medical images based on Local Binary Patterns (LBP). Compared to Gabor wavelets, the LBP features can be extracted faster in a single scan through the raw image and lie in a lower dimensional space, whilst still retaining image information efficiently. To improve the recognition rate, several methods using local binary pattern (LBP) have been tried such as Improved Local Binary Pattern (ILBP), Extended Local Binary Pattern (ELBP) , Extended Local Binary Pattern (ELBP), Local Gabor Binary Pattern (LGBP). This paper proposes a novel medical image retrieval method, Local Binary Pattern with Image Euclidean Distance (IMED), which takes into account the spatial relationships of pixels, and it is robust to small perturbation of images. Experiments showed that IMED improved the performance of standard LBP algorithm.
Hanqing Lu,et al.
Face detection using improved LBP under Bayesian framework
Third International Conference on Image and Graphics (ICIG'04).
Eugene Kim,et al.
Overview of the ImageCLEFmed 2006 Medical Retrieval and Annotation Tasks
Chen Jie,et al.
Histogram Sequence of Local Gabor Binary Pattern for Face Description and Identification
Yan Zhang,et al.
On the Euclidean distance of images
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Matti Pietikäinen,et al.
A comparative study of texture measures with classification based on featured distributions
Pattern Recognit..