Analyzing multi-channel medium access control schemes with ALOHA reservation

In order to improve the throughput performance of medium access control (MAC) schemes in wireless communication networks, some researchers proposed to divide a single shared channel into several sub-channels: one as control sub-channel and the others as data sub-channels. In this paper, we analyze and evaluate the maximum achievable throughput of a class of generic multi-channel MAC schemes that are based on the RTS/CTS (ready-to-send/clear-to-send) dialogue and on ALOHA contention resolution. We study these multi-channel MAC schemes under two split-channel scenarios: the fixed-total-bandwidth scenario and the fixed-channel-bandwidth scenario. In the fixed-total-bandwidth scenario, we show that the throughput of the multi-channel MAC schemes is inferior to that of the corresponding single-channel MAC scheme, which sends the RTS/CTS packets and DATA packets on a single shared channel. For the fixed-channel-bandwidth scenario, where CDMA or similar techniques can be applied, we derive the optimal number of the data sub-channels that maximizes the throughput. The analytical framework that we derive in this paper can also be used to evaluate other contention resolution technique, when the average contention period is known

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