Managing the TPM journey

This chapter discusses the management of the total productive maintenance (TPM) journey. The introduction of TPM to an enterprise starts with a vision of the future. The implementation of TPM has three dimensions: top-down, bottom-up, and organizational learning. The experience of implementing TPM has shown that the route to world-class performance begins with eliminating sporadic losses. Once these are under control, the task of eliminating chronic losses is made easier. This is the structured mechanism for the TPM master plan that integrates the vision and actions of the management team, thereby providing consistency in prioritization, expectations, and rewards and recognitions. Some of the intangible benefits of TPM are that it is valued by employees and employers alike, it is a practical vehicle for implementing the company's goals and vision, and it changes the employee's mind, creating ownership and belief in his or her equipment. The chapter provides step-by-step instructions to achieve the TPM vision, focusing on the role of supervisors and the management structure in the overall shaping of TPM. The use of TPM in cost–benefit analysis is also presented in the chapter, illustrating the role of TPM in minimizing equipment, transformation, material, and management losses.