Books Received

Adcock (F. E.) Thucydides and his History. Pp. viii+146. Cambridge: University Press, 1963. Cloth, 21s. net. Alexander (J. A.) Potidaea: its History and Remains. Pp. xi+146; 23 plates. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1963. Cloth, $5. Alsina (J.) Luciano: Obras. Texto revisado e traducido. Volumen i (Somni«m, Dial. Deorum, Dial. Mor.). Pp. xcvi+104 (double). Barcelona: Ediciones Alma Mater, 1962. Cloth. Anderson (W. S.) Pompey, his Friends and the Literature of the First Century B.C. (Publications in Classical Philology, vol. 19, no. 1.) Pp. 88. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963. Paper. Aubin (P.) Le probleme de la 'conversion'. fitude sur un terme commun a Phellenisme et au christianisme des trois premiers siecles. Pp.236. Paris: Beauchesne, 1963. Paper, 20 fr. Barbu (N. I.) Plutarh: Vieji Paralele. Traducere, notice istorice ?i note. Vol. ii. Pp53°Bucarest: Editura Stiinfifica, 1963. Paper, lei 12.50. Bardon (H.) Le genie latin. (Collection Latomus, lxv.) Pp. 263; 40 plates. Brussels: Latomus, 1963. Paper, 350 [See C.R. Ixxvii. 2/5.] Barnes (H. E.) A History of Historical Writing. Second revised edition. Pp. xvi+240. London: Constable (New York: Dover Publications), 1963. Stiff paper, 18s. net.

[1]  A. McKay,et al.  Die Maritime Bildersprache des Aischylos , 1965 .

[2]  G. Rochefort 63. Wartelle (André). Inventaire des manuscrits grecs d'Aristote et de ses commentateurs , 1965 .

[3]  J. Day,et al.  Formen und Darstellungsweisen in der aristophanischen Komödie , 1965 .

[4]  G. Willis,et al.  The Turin fragments of Tyconius' commentary on Revelation , 1964 .

[5]  J. Mittelstraß,et al.  Die Rettung der Phanomene: Ursprung und Geschichte Eines Antiken Forschungsprinzips , 1964 .

[6]  Sophocles,et al.  Sophocles, Ajax. With Introduction, Revised Text, Commentary, Appendixes, Indexes and Bibliography , 1964 .

[7]  Herman Van Looy Lydia Massa Positano, Demetrii Triclinii in Aeschyli Persas Scholia , 1964 .

[8]  B. Farrington,et al.  Gnosis theon: die Lehre von der naturlichen Gotteserkenntnis in der epikureischen Theologie , 1964 .

[9]  L. Sternbach,et al.  Gnomologium vaticanum e codice vaticano graeco 743 , 1963 .

[10]  L. Wilkinson Golden Latin artistry , 1963 .

[11]  B. Sparkes,et al.  Troy: The Terracotta Figurines of the Hellenistic Period , 1963 .

[12]  R. Macmullen Soldier and Civilian in the Later Roman Empire , 1963 .

[13]  Charles H. Taylor Essays on the Odyssey, selected modern criticism , 1963 .

[14]  B. Virgil,et al.  The Aeneid of Henry Howard, earl of Surrey , 1963 .

[15]  W. Mcneill,et al.  The rise of the West : a history of the human community : with a retrospective essay , 1963 .

[16]  C. Sicking Aristophanes' Ranae : een hoofdstuk uit de geschiedenis der Griekse poetica , 1962 .

[17]  R. Kuhns,et al.  The House, the City, and the Judge: The Growth of Moral Awareness in the Oresteia , 1962 .

[18]  G. Kirk,et al.  History and The Homeric Iliad , 1961, The Classical Review.

[19]  H. Veatch The Doctrine of Being in the Aristotelian Metaphysics , 1953 .